Understanding Grief

The Crazies

Reverend Dick Gilbert is a grief specialist and he shares a story about his personal experience with grief and how it can make you think you are crazy. Dick will assure you that you are not. Grief ...
By Dick Gilbert
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Carrot, An Egg and Some Coffee Beans

“What would you like to do with your grief?” she asked, tenderly. “You may become weakened by it, you may become hardened by it, or you may allow it to change you in a way that equips you to change...
By Andy Landis
Monday, November 9, 2015


Brenda Layman takes a unique look at anger as she explains how it is more comfortable than sorrow. She goes on to say that, while we are angry, we can focus our thoughts on an enemy, rather th...
By Brenda Layman
Monday, November 9, 2015

Behind Locked Doors

Since the death of your loved one, it is normal to be forgetful and unable to sleep. It is easy to lose things and not so easy to find them. Ginger Ingram shares stories of the humor we can fi...
By Ginger Ingram Brown
Monday, November 9, 2015

Do You Ever Get Over It?

Brenda Layman tackles the age old question of grievers, "Do you ever get over it?" As she candidly explains that you don't get over it, you learn how to live through it, you learn to find hope in w...
By Brenda Layman
Monday, November 9, 2015

Drawing on Experience

Dr. Sandra Graves leads you through an experiencial exercise that helps you understand the function of the emotions that accompany grief.  By understanding that these emotions have a purpose, ...
By Sandra Graves, PhD, ATR
Monday, November 9, 2015

Questions on Public Grieving

Tony Falzano takes a look at why we are so caught up in understanding how people grieve. He takes a look at our curiosity about how public figures grieve in a way to help us understand our own pain...
By Tony Falzano
Monday, November 9, 2015

Previous Posts

The Power Within

Paul Alexander, songwriter and grief counselor, explains that grief is a process. There is freedom in acknowledging the need to go with the flow of what seems like a tidal wave. The only way throug...


Deb Kosmer writer, nurse and grief specialist, shares information about how grief seems to put us in a time warp. She explains that when love dies - time stops. It does not take long for us to real...

Understanding Your Feelings Beyond Tomorrow

Sherry Williams, Grief Specialist, provides insight into the many feelings and reactions to grief. She shares simple and easy coping strategies that will help you can gain a sense of control in you...

Winter’s End

The more I have learned about grief, the more it has struck me that in many ways it is not unlike our weather. Those of us who are are grieving often wonder: When will this end? When will I be bet...

Wishing for Old Clothes

This clever story by Deb Kosmer uses the comparison of new and old clothes to help you understand your grief. She helps you identify and understand your feelings as she encourages you to ...