Death of a Parent

A Southern Voice

"Maggi" Vaughn, Poet Laureat of Tennessee, shares with the world through her poems and her songs of love of family—especially the love for her mother. Andy Landis, one of Maggi's friends, shares wi...
By Andy Landis
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mother-Daughter Tea

Gwen Eastlake-Decrow shares a story of her grief and the memories she shared with her mother. When she was invited to a Mother-Daughter tea Gwen comes to the realization that she now has neith...
By Gwen Eastlake-DeCrow
Monday, November 9, 2015

Remembering Our Legacy This Mother's and Father's Day

Mother's Day and Father's Day present for those whose parents have died days of mixed feelings. Feelings that are integrated with sadness and heart tugs of longing to be with them to feelings of pr...
By Tony Falzano
Monday, November 9, 2015

When I Die

When all seems unfamiliar and lost, a daughter finds an everlasting reminder that her father's love endures forever. by Patricia Ann Britt Everyone knew what was happening. Quiet came over the ho...
By Patricia Ann Britt
Monday, November 9, 2015

When Your Parent has Died

Everyone knows that they will have to bury their parents one day. Knowing this fact and living this reality are two totally different things. You literally become an adult by experiencing the death...
By Sherry Williams White
Monday, November 9, 2015

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